In Chilsu and Mansu, the climax of the film spans approximately 18 minutes, allowing only a few minutes after Man-su’s suicide for the denouement to take place. The frustrations of the working class, depicted through the struggles of Chil-su and Man-su, accumulate throughout the first 87 minutes of the film, until this frustration is physically realized when Man-su channels it through his screams atop the billboard. The short denouement allows the viewer to leave the film still taunted by the shouts of the workers (“I have something to tell you!”) — shouts that are completely silenced (both literally and symbolically) by the end of the film.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Climax of Chilsu and Mansu: Frustrations Released to No Fruition
In Chilsu and Mansu, the climax of the film spans approximately 18 minutes, allowing only a few minutes after Man-su’s suicide for the denouement to take place. The frustrations of the working class, depicted through the struggles of Chil-su and Man-su, accumulate throughout the first 87 minutes of the film, until this frustration is physically realized when Man-su channels it through his screams atop the billboard. The short denouement allows the viewer to leave the film still taunted by the shouts of the workers (“I have something to tell you!”) — shouts that are completely silenced (both literally and symbolically) by the end of the film.
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