Detective Park and Detective Seo are initially presented as characters who are strikingly different from each other. Park depends on instinct by claiming that he has eyes to read people. Seo relies on evidences before making an assumption. Park is depicted in a negative light at first because he resorts into physical violence and twists the truth, convicting innocent men of murder again and again. He also makes mistake of assuming Seo as a sexual offender. Seo, on the other hand, is depicted as someone who is on a different level. He makes right prediction by his careful observation of the evidences and finds the commonalities between two murder cases—the women were wearing red clothes and the murder took place in rainy day. In fact, he successfully finds the third body of Hyun Soon.
However, Park comes to prove himself as the story unfolds. He manages to find the right culprit with red underwear at the construction site. Eventually, these two detectives come to assimilate each other near the end. Seo insists that what they need is confession rather than concrete evidence. He further claims that he is willing to resort into violence in order to get the confession from Park Hyun Gyu. Detective Park lets Park Hyun Gyu go in the end, and he even stops Seo from firing a gun at Hyun Gyu.
There are three scenes in the film that disturbed me so much that led me to suspect anyone as the murderer. When the chief officer asks Park to guess who the real rapist is out of two at the beginning, instead of hearing his answer, we see him having sex with his girlfriend. This scene led me to think that maybe Park is the rapist. Moreover, after the scene of examining Hyun Soon’s dead body, the camera cuts to red meat on a grill. It is interesting to note that Seo refuses to eat the burnt meat when Park eats it. Furthermore, Kwang Ho’s exclamation that things are hot and that “he threw me in fire, that person” as his father enters into the frame made me think that his father could be not that innocent of a person.
Thus, even though the film ends without the culprit being caught, because of these disturbing scenes, I came to suspect Park and Kwang Ho’s dad and anyone as the possible culprit.
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